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How Can Acupuncture Help You?

The specialty acupuncture work that Kris utilizes aids the body & mind to desensitize to the foods your body rejects and the irritants in the air that your lungs & immune system becomes oversensitive to.

Kris Shaw specializes in two areas of acupuncture:

  1. Acute & chronic pain and discomfort related to injuries.
  2. Seasonal pollens & food allergy

Our clinics aide clients in the rehabilitation process of mending their bodies.

Acute and Chronic Pain

Kris is a seasoned veteran with challenging car accidents, lingering injuries & overuse of the body that aggravates specific muscle groups, connective tissue & painful joints. Please take the time to read the Medical Massage section. You’ll find specific conditions in that section that Kris has successfully worked with.

acupuncture woman with Kris

Seasonal Pollens and Food Allergies

Full spectrum of seasonal pollens, animal dander, dust & many foods your body has become oversensitive to.

How could this specialized style of modern day American acupuncture aide you with your immune system’s reactivity to common things you inhale or digest?

There’s no simple or quick answer for that.  NAET, an allergy desensitizing treatments have been around for 32 years making dramatic changes in people’s lives in acclimating to new & old irritants that your body can reject over time.  A combination of American acupuncture, muscle testing and reprogramming the brain can lessen the immune system’s reactivity to common irritants inhaled or digested.

For more details on this methodology that’s empirically proven itself for over 3 decades, refer to SeattleAllergyNaturalSolutions.com  Check out the FAQ on allergy desensitizing.

muscle testing naet allergy

If you feel this acupuncturist/injury care specialist could support you in your healing journey in result oriented ways:

  1. Investigate further by setting up a brief complimentary assessment on the phone with Kris Shaw. 206-370-2600
  2. Take 5-10 minutes of your time to research both web sites, this one and SeattleAllergyNaturalSolutions.com . You’ll be enriched and rewarded for your time, by exploring some new clinical tools that may effective in addressing your condition.

Receive my free complimentary consultation about acupuncture treatment for your health challenge.

Acupuncture – Common Questions

Is Acupuncture Painful?

The question, “Do the needles hurt ???” is probably the most frequently asked  question for first time users exploring acupuncture as another option to their health care. Some Americans are fearful and skittish about needles, based on painful experiences with dental work, blood draws or injection shots.

acupuncture meridiansAcupuncture needles are very fine and flexible, about the diameter of a human hair. You may experience a sense of dullness or achiness around some needles  at some congested  acupuncture points, when the needles are stimulated but that sensation quickly dissipates.  If you happen to be a lot more sensitive than the average patient, you may be more sensitive to needles being inserted if you are menstruating, did not sleep well or have had a very challenging day at work.  Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and find themselves getting into what I call an altered deepened space which I’ve nicknamed the  “zen zone place”. You may even decompress enough that you feel sleepy.

At first glance, acupuncture needles can appear strange, being strategically placed in the skin, at  various  locations in the body. Sometimes needles  are placed distally and totally away  from where the painful or debilitated areas are being treated. It is best to prepare for acupuncture treatments by eating and hydrating before coming  for a treatment.

For additional information on acupuncture, go to the information page on Seattle Allergy Natural Solutions

How Does Acupuncture Work?

acc1colorOriental medicine is based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of Western medicine.  The ancient Chinese recognized this vital Qi energy behind all life forms and life processes.  In developing an understanding of the prevention and cure of disease, they discovered that this energy flows along specific pathways, called meridians or channels.  Each meridian is associated with a particular physiological system and internal organ.  Disease is considered to arise due to deficiency or imbalance of energy in the meridians & their associated physiological systems.

Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians.  Each point has a particular effect upon the vital energy passing through it.  Acupuncture is a form of holistic health care that supports the body’s natural healing process.  Modern science, specifically Kirlian photography has been able to measure the electrical charge  at these points. Oriental medicine uses this intricate system of pulses and tongue diagnosis, palpation of points, organs and meridian, American muscle testing and other signs and symptoms to create a composite Oriental diagnosis.  A treatment plan is then formulated to induce the body back to a balance state of health.

Experience the benefits of Acupuncture

Find Kris at NE Seattle, West Seattle, Downtown Burien

Healing Wisdom Center has a 48 hour cancellation policy with appointments. Please keep this in mind when booking an appointment.